Regions - Linode API
Detailed location information for this Region, including city, state or region, and country. capabilities. array. A list of capabilities of this region.
Linode ; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States · Worldwide · Christopher Aker; (Founder and CEO) · Cloud-hosting provider. Virtual private servers · $100 million.
Choose a data center
This page is a quick guide for choosing and speed testing a data center. Start by creating a Compute Instance in the data center in or near your region.
Compute Region Availability | Akamai
Region, Slug, Status. Atlanta, GA, us-southeast. Chicago, IL, us-ord. Dallas, TX, us-central. Fremont, CA, us-west. Los Angeles, CA, us-lax.
Server Location advice (5413)
If you're creating a website and/or service intended for European clients, I'd go for the one in London. Closest to West Coast USA: Fremont.